I'm not sure it will.....I had my 2 door stripped and repainted and in the process the roof rack was thrown by the way side due to some corrosion problems with the bolts. I looked high and low and to the furthest reaches of the planet to find a 2 door rook rack and came up with nada. Now I will add I never checked a scrap yard.....probably the best bet. I rolled around for a month or two with no rack and holes in the roof.....I though it looked ridiculous.....It just threw the whole balance of the car off I felt. Well long story short, went back and dug the old racks out of the garbage and found replacement bolts and through crafty engineering go it to work. I the process we did explore the idea of using 4 dr racks and we never did.....I think its because they were different. Don't quote me on that, but I'm sure if 4 dr racks would of worked we would of used them.