Hey guys. For the past couple months I've noticed a problem where:
-in the morning upon first startup, put into gear, either reverse or drive, will kill the engine. Upon restarting and then putting into gear, everything is fine and working as normal, no issues throughout the day. No codes pop up.
I took her into my mechanic, left it over night, he calls me the next day and says probably the torque converter/transmission needs to be replaced, although he is baffled that there are no codes. He also notices that when put into gear, it takes a couple seconds to lock into gear, so he thinks maybe the transmission fluid filter is clogged. We decided to do a trans service, replace fluid and filter, and he tells me 2 valve body screws above the filter fell out! Along with 8 other valve body screws were loose, which he tightened. Apparently the trans has been rebuilt because the torque converter was a different color, and a couple of the valve body screws were different than the others.
Now she drives like new, no tranny problems for now!
-in the morning upon first startup, put into gear, either reverse or drive, will kill the engine. Upon restarting and then putting into gear, everything is fine and working as normal, no issues throughout the day. No codes pop up.
I took her into my mechanic, left it over night, he calls me the next day and says probably the torque converter/transmission needs to be replaced, although he is baffled that there are no codes. He also notices that when put into gear, it takes a couple seconds to lock into gear, so he thinks maybe the transmission fluid filter is clogged. We decided to do a trans service, replace fluid and filter, and he tells me 2 valve body screws above the filter fell out! Along with 8 other valve body screws were loose, which he tightened. Apparently the trans has been rebuilt because the torque converter was a different color, and a couple of the valve body screws were different than the others.
Now she drives like new, no tranny problems for now!