What's going on Forum... I'm new to the Forum and decided to test the waters to see if anyone would be interested if I started a build log attempting and showing my progress with converting my 2002 Chevy Tahoe interior to a more updated better looking 2007-2014 generation interior along with some other custom fabrications... I've searched all over the web to see if anyone has posted a blog or build with what I'm about to do and have found absolutely nothing on it... There could be a very logical reason for this like maybe its too hard or too expensive but I have already made up my mind and pulled the trigger on the project... This build is entirely about me and what I want my truck to look like so the only reason I would log my build and show the forum my progress is if there's people interested in seeing this build... I would welcome everyone's thoughts or ideas and hopefully this will turn out to be a successful fun project... To make this even more of a challenge this is my daily driver... If there an interest to see this project just leave a reply... I will be starting the build this weekend and have already gutted the inside except for a couple things I need to get around...