TYF Newbie
I changed out the rear diff oil with the owners manualAC DELCO 75w-90 synthetic recommended. A few days later I noticed that I was getting a moaning noise when turning sharp low idle turns and it was coming from the rear end. Contacted the dealer and my drivetrain warranty ran out on 10-29-17. (SWEET!!!). Anyway the dealer looked up my VIN and and confirmed the type of diff fluid I used was correct. He said the my hoe had posi rear end but just the synthetic was fine.
I took it upon myself to add LS fluid and the noise stopped instantly! Anyone else experience this issue before? Anyone know why the owners manual doesn't say to add it? Thanks in Advance.
I took it upon myself to add LS fluid and the noise stopped instantly! Anyone else experience this issue before? Anyone know why the owners manual doesn't say to add it? Thanks in Advance.