After driving the Tahoe for a bit the outside temp displayed in the DIC doesn't update. Shutting it off and restarting the vehicle doesn't refresh it. It will only refresh after sitting for like 4-5 hours. The other day when i got into the vehicle it was 35 degrees out. Apparently at this temp the computer would not let the AC compressor come on. Later in the day it was close to 60 degrees outside, the display was still showing 35, and it would not let the ac compressor come on. When I would press the AC button the light would come on and blink a few times then go back out. It was just blowing warm air. I parked it and came back that evening after letting the vehicle sit for 4-5 hours. By that time it had reset and the AC worked like normal.
Is this a faulty ambient air temp sensor?
Is this a faulty ambient air temp sensor?