So I'm getting about 1-2 amps of draw on my battery when it has been shut off for a while. I tested every circuit in the main fuse box under the hood and with everything added up, I'm getting about 100 milliamps with 55 milliamps of this coming from the TBC which I know goes down a bit after the ignition has been shut off for an extended period of time. My alarm system, amp, stereo, and fog lights are not the source. However, I do have loads of wires covering up the fuse panel inside the truck so it could be one of those fuses. Any ideas here? If something is drawing that much power on the truck, and I test EVERY fuse, I should find it somewhere right? It's not like there's a stock circuit on this truck that just doesn't have a fuse. Any help would be appreciated. My battery is dead usually after a couple days, but today it barely started after not being ran for only 3 hours.