Okay so I got this a couple of months ago just in case I wanted to level my ass but I'm not gonna.
It includes Belltech part numbers 34323, 6651, and I think 3901. Just look at the pic to see what's included cause I know little to nothing about suspension.
But it has spacers, bump stops, extenders, autoride links, hardware, springs, and all relevant instructions. I was told that's everything you need to level down the rear of an autoride truck. It might even be compatible with NBS trucks cause the instructions say "2000 - up" but please make sure on your own.
$150 shipped to L48.
Okay so I got this a couple of months ago just in case I wanted to level my ass but I'm not gonna.
It includes Belltech part numbers 34323, 6651, and I think 3901. Just look at the pic to see what's included cause I know little to nothing about suspension.
But it has spacers, bump stops, extenders, autoride links, hardware, springs, and all relevant instructions. I was told that's everything you need to level down the rear of an autoride truck. It might even be compatible with NBS trucks cause the instructions say "2000 - up" but please make sure on your own.
$150 shipped to L48.
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