I wasn't going to post this but I figured it might help someone out if they are in a situation like mine. I live in WI but I am in PA working and renting a apt from an older lady. It is connected to her house and is a great place to stay and very reasonable. With that said I have on street parking and limited room to work on my Yukon. We get along great so she agreed to let me use her driveway. The tools I brought are few so this was a pretty big project for me in this situation. No welder, No cutting torch, No lift, No air, just hand tools and electric drill, 4-1/2" grinder and electric impact. First of all as I said I live in Wisconsin so everything under the Yukon is rusted and it is 17 years old. The keys were rusted in tight. I had sprayed PB Blaster on them for a week before I started this. I heated with a small butane torch and beat the crap out of them but no luck. So I went this route. I started grinding to get down to the torsion bar but it was taking forever so I started to drill with 1/8" drill bits in a row down to the torsion bar. Then went to a bigger bit and opened up a gap across the old key. I hooked a ratchet strap to the front of the frame to the other end of the torsion bar and pulled it tight. As I beat the crap out of the old key it cracked in the drilled location and finally come off as the ratchet strap kept pulling it forward and I beat it backward. Here is the pictures of the final result. Also for those that have questions about what the difference in the lift keys to the factory keys are I have added a picture. You can see that the torsion bar has to be turned more to equal the same jack bolt length/location as the factory key which in turn raises the truck.