Yesterday I got the P0121 TPS code. Went home and cleaned the throttle body off the truck with CRC TB cleaner. Now I get the high idle (1k) and the truck "pushing" with no pedal input. I've read all the threads about this (I think) and I plan on driving the truck to see if it will relearn.
In the case that it doesn't I checked out RockAuto and found that there is a replacement TPS listed (even though everything I've heard says it isn't available as a stand-alone part.) The part is Airtex/Wells 5S13425 and there are also GM parts listings for P/N 19259452
that says it is a similar TPS Kit. Anybody tried replacing just their TPS with one of these? Any success and further advice?
Thanks in advance.
In the case that it doesn't I checked out RockAuto and found that there is a replacement TPS listed (even though everything I've heard says it isn't available as a stand-alone part.) The part is Airtex/Wells 5S13425 and there are also GM parts listings for P/N 19259452
that says it is a similar TPS Kit. Anybody tried replacing just their TPS with one of these? Any success and further advice?
Thanks in advance.
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