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Looking for a quality bike rack that is compatible with your SUV or crossover? Look no further than the G3 Universal Frame Trunk Mount Bike Rack from! This product is designed to fit nearly any kind of vehicle, making it one of the most versatile bike racks on the market.
Made with high-quality materials, it's both durable and lightweight. With a maximum weight capacity of up to 3 bikes.
With, you can enjoy discounts on the G3 Universal Frame Trunk Mount Bike Rack that is sure to fit into your budget! Enjoy secure attachment with hassle-free installation and reliable performance on all your adventures! Get yours today and make biking even more fun for your entire family!
G3® - Frame™ Trunk Mount Bike Rack for 3 Bikes

* Extremely practical
* When closed, it turns to small footprint
* Max load: 99.2 lbs (45 kg)
* Warranty: 3 Years
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