Plugs and plug wires may be ok, if truck runs smooth now, leave it, but a possible change soon.
Throttle body cleaning is easy, just take stock box off and clean outside and inside TB really good, takes about 10 minutes and idles much smoother.
The vette servo helps 'firm' up the shifts. GM made these transmissions transition slowly from gear to gear, which is good for an old couple, but it's heat, and hard to the clutches in the transmission.
I nice firm shift is easier and has less wear on stock internal parts.
A vette servo will help firm those up, and is a relatively cheap purchase. Like $40 off Oregon Performance on Ebay, or search them on the web.
A tranny shop can install that, while you are having tranny pan/fluid anyway.
Of course the best thing i have done to mine is the Black Bear tune. It firmed up the tranny shifts, gave me way more power and I gained 2 MPG. Passing gear is alot funner now