Now that I've gotten the LEDs sorted out for the H11 low beam projectors. I've discovered a new issue. My passenger projector lens has a few spots/smudges on it and my driver's side is almost completely fogged over. Almost like a bulb smoked and left a film, but it also appears to be on the outside of the lens as well (still inside the housing).
I bought it new with 7 miles about a month and a half ago and took what I assume were the original bulbs out myself and replaced them with LEDs (twice--because of the interference issue). What would cause this--or is this a defect? Because there's no way to get to the inside/outside of the lens without disassembling the housing.
The foggy one actually makes the light stand out from the non-foggy one when they are turned on. Looking at the front of the car it's obvious something is up.
I've attached the pictures of the clear side (right) that has a few spots and the foggy side (left/driver) that's hazed over.
I bought it new with 7 miles about a month and a half ago and took what I assume were the original bulbs out myself and replaced them with LEDs (twice--because of the interference issue). What would cause this--or is this a defect? Because there's no way to get to the inside/outside of the lens without disassembling the housing.
The foggy one actually makes the light stand out from the non-foggy one when they are turned on. Looking at the front of the car it's obvious something is up.
I've attached the pictures of the clear side (right) that has a few spots and the foggy side (left/driver) that's hazed over.