My oldest daughter is going to a Christian conference in Atlanta, GA. She was going to take her 2015 Fusion....we just put tires on 2 days ago. Well, on her way home from Madison, the exhaust broke after the catalytic converter as she turned onto our road. She called me about a strange noise.....followed by a pic (gotta love smart phones). I saw that it looked liked a pogo-stick waiting to happen and grabbed my youngest daughter's Buick Lucerne and met her.
Well, after looking at it, the only way safely back was in a pot hole didn't launch the car, or crumple the pipe into something more expensive. I WILL SAY that a life of farm work/mechanical/ construction has honed my backing up skills to a sharp point (don't want to brag, because of Karma, but I love a challenge). I drove 1/2 mile in reverse while she followed with flashers. Made it in record time, quick glances showed 25 - 30 mph. It was fun! No quick actions for sure.
PRIOR to that happening, my wife and I discussed letting her and the friends take 'Beater.' I agreed that it was best. GOD also knew best as well because her predicament happened about 30 min after. I can't imagine a young female trying to figure that issue out hours from home, let alone the stealership attitude that may prevail towards young, unaware, kids.
So, now I'm checking over my buddy for a 14 hr trip. I feel good about it, just not as good as if I was driving.......182k on the clock....I can fix shit/bandaid as needed (Funny side note: 3 of 4 vehicles at my house are ALL at the same mileage right now! Except for the wife's 2017, but a few months will change that. LOL). We definitely get our money worth!
That being said, I've gone over all fluids, etc. New-ish tires up to 38 psi for good road travel. Not 100% sure they will use it, but being proactive. Just looking for some prayers that a good group of God following kids can have a good experience, and that preventative maintenance will pay off and make for a fun, enlightening, safe trip.
Thanks for reading my friends!

Well, after looking at it, the only way safely back was in a pot hole didn't launch the car, or crumple the pipe into something more expensive. I WILL SAY that a life of farm work/mechanical/ construction has honed my backing up skills to a sharp point (don't want to brag, because of Karma, but I love a challenge). I drove 1/2 mile in reverse while she followed with flashers. Made it in record time, quick glances showed 25 - 30 mph. It was fun! No quick actions for sure.
PRIOR to that happening, my wife and I discussed letting her and the friends take 'Beater.' I agreed that it was best. GOD also knew best as well because her predicament happened about 30 min after. I can't imagine a young female trying to figure that issue out hours from home, let alone the stealership attitude that may prevail towards young, unaware, kids.
So, now I'm checking over my buddy for a 14 hr trip. I feel good about it, just not as good as if I was driving.......182k on the clock....I can fix shit/bandaid as needed (Funny side note: 3 of 4 vehicles at my house are ALL at the same mileage right now! Except for the wife's 2017, but a few months will change that. LOL). We definitely get our money worth!
That being said, I've gone over all fluids, etc. New-ish tires up to 38 psi for good road travel. Not 100% sure they will use it, but being proactive. Just looking for some prayers that a good group of God following kids can have a good experience, and that preventative maintenance will pay off and make for a fun, enlightening, safe trip.
Thanks for reading my friends!