you could always run a new dedicated power wire, fused, straight from the battery. also, i can pull my keys out of my ignition with the key in any position, but will not turn past the "off" position without the key in it. like i can pull my key out while in the run position, but if i turn the key back to "off," it won't go past "off" to "acc." and i cannot turn my key from "off" without the key in it, can't start it without the key. mine's a '99, and i didn't know the key would pull out until my buddy jerked it out of the ignition with it running (typical older gm). anyhow, just saying, you may wanna try that route, you could always put the switch in the acc position and even if someone got in it, they couldn't start it without the key. i know it's ghetto, but it may be worth a try, that way you wouldn't have to worry about if you left your radio on or not. or just dismiss it as nonsense that i even brought it up. good luck sir. branndon