Ive been troubleshooting my heated seats for a few days and i finaly got it working. I checked the wires under the cover and they are ok, switch worked and all fuses were good. But still no heat. so i wrestled the relay out from under the seat and was testing it with my led test light. probed one wire and heard it click and turned on. So i searched for some wiring diagrams and finally found one and i think what was happening is the temperature sensor under the seat no longer limits the flow through it. It is supposed to in some way with a resistor or what not limit the flow of electricity depending on the heat produced. So what i did was hook up a led with resistor on it to ground on one side and the other side went to the signal wire on the relay, and viola heat! I think I am going to run the led into the side of the switch for the heated seat so i also will see when its on. Just something I thought I'd like to share with you guys I've seen a few people with problem like this and figured it might help someone out. I was also thinking about posting some pics of it when im done.