What am I missing? Cannot the a/c belt be coaxed in to position, one guide over while turning the crank or would it damage the belt doing that?
if not that tool then the lisle tool can be used to both remove or install a belt they do not have to be cut off, say you needed to replace a bolt on part you can re-use your serpentine, etc. no need to cut it off and go spend another $100+ on belts.
also the zip tie connectors can be opened and or take the tree out those are specialty plastic connectors often not sold separate by gm because they come on a new wiring harness only, just depends on the particular connector, at any rate cutting them is not necessary.
and ya if you do not get the belt seated correctly when stretching it on you have to start over or force it over, cutting it however was not necessary, generally the tool is flipped around the other way to remove the belt, the gm one might not do it the lisle one does for sure and it is magnetic so when you put it on there it doesn't just fall off while you are working trying to get the belt aligned right.
the oem gm ac belt is like $50+, I sure as hell am not cutting it off because I didn't get it on there right the 1st try.
beware of fake one's amazon is rife with them, always check who the seller is, gm store is fine, world parts direct is a gm dealer also. others no telling....