So mad. So the reason I'm adjusting my lights is because my local repair shop broke my oem housings when they removed them last time...they didn't unbolt the third bolt behind the wheel well. They replaced the housings, at "no cost," but I recently noticed that my passenger headlight was lighting up treetops as I drove. Not too pissed off at that point, so I spent the $3.00 on the torx head I needed and tried to adjust the light tonight as instructed. Turns out it doesn't need to be adjusted...the "technician" broke all three plastic clips on the bulb, so it's not seated properly. I've got light coming out the back of my headlight housing, making it clear that the bulb is just sitting on the rim of the housing. The a-hole who broke my housings last time was the same guy that jammed my bulbs in this time. So should I go down tomorrow during business hours and complain, or head out later tonight ninja-style and burn the place to the ground? AGGGHHHH!