I agree it looks like the trans vent hose. The transfer case one is back behind the transmission. If your trans is overfilled, it will eject some excess out of that tube so I would follow the proper technique to check your trans fluid. This needs to be done with trans up to operating temp, them start out in P with your foot on the brakes and slowly shift through each position including R ,N, D, 3,2,1 and leaving it in each for 5 -10 seconds and then putting it in P. Leave the engine running and go check the level. It should be between the “hot” hash marks on the dipstick. If it’s over full, you’ll need to suck some out through the dipstick tube unless you’re lucky to have an aftermarket trans pan with a drain plug. The OEM ones have a bolt there but it’s usually not removable. Don’t remove any fluid unless you’re sure it’s overfilled.