Google AcDelco bulb 12383436 *** AcDelco bulb 12383437
You can get them on Ebay or Amazon or the dealer; But hold on to your chair, they're about 10 bucks each..........
So being the cheap B@$&%$! that I am, but being an Engineer as well, I crossed the AcDelco bulbs to some T1 1/4 bulbs.
If you want to use your current NEO base, you can easily remove the burnt bulb and replace it with MCM Electronics T1 1/4 #8640 wire terminal lamp. This is a bulb only and the GM blue rubber will not go back on, bulb is slightly smaller.
If you want a whole new NEO wedge base with bulb and blue cover you can get JKL components DNW1-DW33/GRA/39-05-5T and DNW1-DW07/WHI11MM/39226B
Both of these will both work in the Front switches(I have a two door so I have no idea whats in the back doors) and the headlight switch as well.
For the hard soldered bulbs in our Radios and the Fog light switch use MCM Electronics T1 #25-1370. I have barn doors so I'm not sure if these are the same in the rear wiper and hatch buttons