If ya download the instructions they say to remove the CV Axle (if 4WD Model), then you can remove the lower ball joint. After the ball joint is removed, shock unbolted, axle removed and sway bar disconnected, then the stock arm will allow to swing down enough to release the tension on the torsion bar. Just make sure you have a floor jack under the a-arm before letting the balljoint go, theres some serious tension on there.
Mark the position of the torsion bar relative to the key, and note the position relative to the arm. My torsion bars had indented lines on the ends, so you can make note of where those lines are relative to how the arm is positioned. You may have to push down on the a-arm with your foot to release enough tension to get the key out of the back, hence having two people really helps here. Some WD-40 will go a long way. I sprayed the keys and arms at the torsion bar the night before.
Also, the DJM arms require a different shock to work, so if you're trying to use your stock shocks or stock style mount type shocks, they won't work with the DJM arms. The DJM arms require an eyelet style mount to the arm instead of the stock U-shaped mount.
Hope that helps.