looks good...so what you think of tune?
What's up Blue? I want to go through a few tanks before giving my overall opinion, but I will tell you that when i push on the skinny, regardless if I'm going 45,55, or 65 she jumps up and get on down the road. I have noticed that when I'm going 55 I barely had the pedal pushed
Justin took the speed limiter from 100 to 120, didn't want to do the no limit because I felt I would be asking for trouble. He got my speedo to within 1% so he said I am at the most 1 mph faster than what my speedo shows. Before I was 5-6 over so that's good. The shifts feels better, he didn't touch my tow/haul because I told him there is the possibility that I will tow on occassion.
He tuned me for 87. Alex the guy that was helping Justin asked me what octane i wanted so I told him 93, that I just started using 93 last week. He told me if I have always ran 87 I could do the 87 tune and run 93 every now and then with no pinging for extra power. If I did the 93 octane and ran 87 every now and then I would have pinging. So I opted for 87. He removed some of the TM(not sure how much but I have asked Jenna if it's possible to get the results of what Justin did for my records).
So far I have absolutely no complaints, i just want to see how my fuel economy does on the next few tanks. Justin is a stand up guy and I really enjoyed meeting him. If you're truck is not performing the way you want, get off the fence and have Justin tune it for you. Stay tuned