Hey guys. I live in Florida and the Florida sun has killed the dash on my 98 Tahoe. I have multiple cracks and peices ready to fall out. I was thinking about buying a cap I saw on Ebay and just using some type of adhesive to body the cap on to the busted up dash. The 4 suport sections at the top near the windsheild have not failed yet but the cracks are damn close. Anyone use one of these things before? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Front-Dash-Pad-Cap-Overlay-Medium-Gray-Workmanship-Warr-/380366974531?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A1998%7CModel%3ATahoe&hash=item588fa36e43 Any other ideas or things you guys have done to fix this? I really don't want to have to swap dashes. to much of a pain in the ass. I'll post pics later.