So, at 110k my original transmission took a dump! Against my own instincts I did a pan drop to replace the original pan with an extra deep pan with a drain plug. To make things a bit worse I got sold my the Monster Transmissions sales rep to get Synthetic Tranny fluid. Great stuff! BAD for an unmaintained, 15 yr. old 4L60E! Changed the pan at 96k and 14k miles later DONE!
I started from the tranny hanging up in second, then progressively hanging up in 1st and second. Finally, while driving on the NJ Tpke. on the way to work, lost OD, pulled over to reset check engine light, tried to get going again and lost ALL FORWARD GEARS! SUX! After a long morning and getting towed back to Queens, NY I had Bobby at K&B Transmissions (great shop in Floral Park and they know the 4l60e very well!) tear the case apart.
After tearing it up they found that my rear planetary gear got chewed up and snapped off of the mainshaft. Also had bad band discoloration and the clutch packs and steels were pretty glazed. Other than the planetary pretty much expected wear for an old tranny not regularly maintained.
My moral of the story, if the transmission was not regularly maintained DO NOT change with synthetic fluid. If you are changing the pan then just ad normal dexron III fluid. I am pretty sure my seals and accumulators stopped sealing properly and I was losing fluid pressure causing the slip which just got progressively worse.
Had the trans rebuilt with a 4L70E 3-4 clutchpak, pinless accumulators for 1-2 and forward gears, corvette servo, and all new seals and hard parts. Never experienced the truck run this good! Part throttle shifts are smooth and quick, no more laziness. OD won't kick in till 47 mph whereas before my OD kicked in all the time and downshifted out of it more often. Full throttle shifts are firm.
Guess the question now is, what route should I go with for software? I guess BB is the best? Would like to step up power a bit and firm up shift points a bit more with tuning. In what way can I improve shifting electronically? I know I spent a lot on my truck, but I really love it and cannot find a more mechanically sound truck here in NY for the amount I have put in to this truck.
Rainy pic of her:
I started from the tranny hanging up in second, then progressively hanging up in 1st and second. Finally, while driving on the NJ Tpke. on the way to work, lost OD, pulled over to reset check engine light, tried to get going again and lost ALL FORWARD GEARS! SUX! After a long morning and getting towed back to Queens, NY I had Bobby at K&B Transmissions (great shop in Floral Park and they know the 4l60e very well!) tear the case apart.
After tearing it up they found that my rear planetary gear got chewed up and snapped off of the mainshaft. Also had bad band discoloration and the clutch packs and steels were pretty glazed. Other than the planetary pretty much expected wear for an old tranny not regularly maintained.
My moral of the story, if the transmission was not regularly maintained DO NOT change with synthetic fluid. If you are changing the pan then just ad normal dexron III fluid. I am pretty sure my seals and accumulators stopped sealing properly and I was losing fluid pressure causing the slip which just got progressively worse.
Had the trans rebuilt with a 4L70E 3-4 clutchpak, pinless accumulators for 1-2 and forward gears, corvette servo, and all new seals and hard parts. Never experienced the truck run this good! Part throttle shifts are smooth and quick, no more laziness. OD won't kick in till 47 mph whereas before my OD kicked in all the time and downshifted out of it more often. Full throttle shifts are firm.
Guess the question now is, what route should I go with for software? I guess BB is the best? Would like to step up power a bit and firm up shift points a bit more with tuning. In what way can I improve shifting electronically? I know I spent a lot on my truck, but I really love it and cannot find a more mechanically sound truck here in NY for the amount I have put in to this truck.
Rainy pic of her: