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What's your goal for having the lights?The strobes are from Amazon and the 18" lightbar is from eBay. The links for both are below:
Xprite 18" 16 LED Emergency Traffic Hazard Flashing Windshield Strobe Light Bar | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Xprite 18" 16 LED Emergency Traffic Hazard Flashing Windshield Strobe Light Bar at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
The lightbar is supposed to be mounted inside but I think with enough silicone for the joints, it should be ok. We shall see although it could be awhile since rain isn't something that happens all that often around here.... ;-)
I have a second lightbar to put in the rear window when the wind quits blowing. Allergies are killing me trying to stay locked inside until the wind calms down.