2007 GMC Yukon 5.3L V8 with 117,000 miles. Noticed while driving today the check engine light came on. While checking the gauges I notice the oil pressure is 0. Of coarse I pull over and turn the engine off. Restart and same thing happens but I notice the engine is running fine and nothing is showing on the DIC. So I drive it home and check the oil level which of coarse is the usual quart low. I top it off and for kicks disconnect the battery for 15 minutes. Hook it back up and start the engine. The pressures gauges then pegs to 80 check engine light is now out. After a few minutes the gauge goes to 0 still no check engine light. Shut it off and start it again a few minutes later and now 0 on pressure gauge AND CEL is back on.
I thinking its a bad oil pressure sending unit but what I don't understand is why the DIC is giving me any warning of low oil pressure??
Any advise would be appreciated!!!
I thinking its a bad oil pressure sending unit but what I don't understand is why the DIC is giving me any warning of low oil pressure??
Any advise would be appreciated!!!