So was digging around the junkyards a while back and came across two obs Escalades. One if them had an overhead console that I'd never seen before. Looked factory but had a flip down screen.
Came home and did some digging, found an old thread on here with these pictures. It's an Audiovox overhead console.
I went back the next morning and snagged it for $9 wiring and all!
The factory overhead console screws into it. I took the one out that was in the Escalade because it had the cheesy lick & stick woodgrain on it, and I figured I could get it a little cheaper. Cleaned it up, prepped/painted it and have it roughly mounted in my truck. Needs to be adjusted a little so there are no gaps but I'll do that whenever I put the new screen in it.
The screen in the existing flip-down was jacked, so I snagged a used screen, DVD player and wiring on eBay for $30 shipped. Once I do a double din swap I'll probably do away with the separate DVD player... And doubt I'll use the VHS player
Came home and did some digging, found an old thread on here with these pictures. It's an Audiovox overhead console.
I went back the next morning and snagged it for $9 wiring and all!
The factory overhead console screws into it. I took the one out that was in the Escalade because it had the cheesy lick & stick woodgrain on it, and I figured I could get it a little cheaper. Cleaned it up, prepped/painted it and have it roughly mounted in my truck. Needs to be adjusted a little so there are no gaps but I'll do that whenever I put the new screen in it.
The screen in the existing flip-down was jacked, so I snagged a used screen, DVD player and wiring on eBay for $30 shipped. Once I do a double din swap I'll probably do away with the separate DVD player... And doubt I'll use the VHS player