So I'm leaking oil right near where the filter screws on, I've narrowed the leak down to right near where the oil cooler lines plug in on the oil filter adapter. Looks like I need the kit pictured below. Appears felpro makes one (although has terrible reviews on advanced auto) or one made by VICTOR REINZ. Felpro one comes with a couple gaskets, do I stack them or which ones do I actually need for a 2 door 5.7L in case anyone else has ever replaced them? Looks like the felpro comes with some extra tan/yellow bands, and I'm not sure which of the two thick ones in the middle I need or how they even apply.
Felpro 72671 kit:
Victor Reinz GS33272 kit:
Felpro 72671 kit:
Victor Reinz GS33272 kit: