I was driving to work a few minutes ago, and my service stabilitrack and service traction control light came on. Also it said my engine power was reduced. Luckly I was only a mile from work when it happened, but this seems like a serious problem. My Tahoe would not go over 30 mph after the service lights came on. Does anyone know what may have happened or how to fix it?
I would start by figuring out what codes your vehicle is providing. This will help to narrow the problem down.
Here are some of the things it
could be -
1. Traction Control/ABS Sensors: Just one of these little buggers can set off enough lights to light up a runway. Many times you get a bad/inoperative sensor, or one of the sensors has come come unplugged. Check the wires around the brake and where the connectors are located.
2. Throttle Body and/or Throttle Body Sensors: A problem with the Throttle Body and/or its sensors can cause precisely the issues you have described.
3. Faulty Air Intake: The plastic on these intakes can wear down over time and fracture. The fracturing causes small plastic particles to enter the engine, and as a defense mechanism the computer shuts down stabilitrak, and reduces engine power to prevent damage.
Of course, there could be other issues, but these are the ones I am aware of. Either way, it may be best to take it to a dealer/mechanic and have them run the codes and look it over. Good Luck!