Hey all. I'm new here and bought a 2002 Yukon XL last Summer. Now that it's turned cold, I've noticed that I can only get heat to come out of the front vents if the Temp Control knob is all the way hot... and it comes out hot. There's no in between. Also, I noticed that in order to get to the Full Hot (82*) position, the knob kind of clicks over a detent... I don't know if that's normal or not. Is there something I should go for right off the bat? FWIW, I also noticed that the A/C is really weak in the Summer, and I attempted a little hotshot of refrigerant, but it still was pretty weak. I haven't tried gauges on it yet for that issue, and I imagine the compressor is weak. Again, may be an unrelated issue, but just thought I'd throw that at out there. Thanks for any help you can provide.