Looking for a pair of factory upper trim panels and I am having trouble verifying the part number. This is the description of what I found on gmpartsdirect.com
Collision Catalog - 2009 - Chevrolet/Geo - Tahoe
Front door, Interior trim, Upper trim panel, Ebony, Ebony Right - Tahoe & yukon - Tahoe & yukon
I'm looking for the left and right pair in black for 2009 LT. I am getting new Hertz components and want to make new tweeter mounts. If someone could verify the part number, let me know if I'm on the right track or what would be awesomer, send me a pair they have laying around and I'll pay shipping I'd appreciate it.
Collision Catalog - 2009 - Chevrolet/Geo - Tahoe
Front door, Interior trim, Upper trim panel, Ebony, Ebony Right - Tahoe & yukon - Tahoe & yukon
I'm looking for the left and right pair in black for 2009 LT. I am getting new Hertz components and want to make new tweeter mounts. If someone could verify the part number, let me know if I'm on the right track or what would be awesomer, send me a pair they have laying around and I'll pay shipping I'd appreciate it.