I bought the MD802 back in April. Great device! Got it off eBay for $205/shipped. I never saw it new for anywhere near $150, but I also wanted to get it from an authorized distributor which seemed to cost a little more. I verified the seller and registered it with Autel as soon as I received it. I've had a few of the cheaper readers and used many. For the ease of use and being able to read any system on anything I own, it's an extremely worthy investment. You can buy a $20 reader then upgrade to a $50 one when you realize the cheaper one doesn't do what you need. Then, upgrade to a $100 one after that for the same reasons. Or, spend the money at once and be set. Being able to access so much info rather than just read and clear a code has already saved my neighbors and I repair costs at a shop. You can't beat having freeze frames!