I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to put this here, in case someone has the same problem, and Google leads them here. I had the "Service Brakes Soon" annoyance on a 2012 Chevy Avalanche. It would only come on intermittently, usually on the highway. First try was a new Brake Booster Sensor, which did not do the trick. I tracked it down to being a leaking O-ring between the Master Cylinder and Brake Booster. You can fix this in about 15 minutes. Remove the Master cylinder from Brake Booster by taking off two 15mm Nuts. Remove old O-Ring, and replace with new O-Ring. I used a slightly thicker O-Ring just trying to get a better seal. That cured the "Service Brakes Soon" for good. Brakes felt better under foot also. Hope this helps someone, it's a tough one to track down.