It was working fine all day, then as I get in to go home from work I notice that the radio wasn't playing. Completely dead. No lights. No clock. No sound.
I cycled the key On and Off a few times. Nada.
"WTF?" I say to no one in particular.
Ended up popping the hood, and disconnecting one of the battery cables, counting to 60 and putting it back on. It partially reset the system a bit, but the radio came back on after.
Has anyone else experienced this before? Is this common with these vehicles?
Just sharing...and wondering
I cycled the key On and Off a few times. Nada.
"WTF?" I say to no one in particular.
Ended up popping the hood, and disconnecting one of the battery cables, counting to 60 and putting it back on. It partially reset the system a bit, but the radio came back on after.
Has anyone else experienced this before? Is this common with these vehicles?
Just sharing...and wondering