So in the new to me 02 Escalade, I got in it the other day turned the key to accessory, and the speaker in the headliner started pulsating, creating a tapping noise. Has anyone else experienced this?
The configuration when this was going on was no radio installed and the dash cluster was removed. I haven't done much to the truck since picking it up, trying to get things in line before getting it on the road.
---------- Post added at 10:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------
After doing a little research, I guess this is actually part of the climate control. I will try cleaning it with some compressed air or the vacuum and see if that does anything.
The configuration when this was going on was no radio installed and the dash cluster was removed. I haven't done much to the truck since picking it up, trying to get things in line before getting it on the road.
---------- Post added at 10:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------
After doing a little research, I guess this is actually part of the climate control. I will try cleaning it with some compressed air or the vacuum and see if that does anything.