I used a FAL VSC (#31165) on a single Ford Taurus fan in my S10. They're pricey (currently about $120 on Amazon), but work great. I got it for the variable speed feature that gradually ramps up the voltage to the fan when turning it on and then runs the fan at a reduced speed unless a higher speed is needed for additional cooling power. This greatly reduces the load on the battery and charging system, which I wanted cuz the Taurus fan is a pig.
If I were interested in getting other things tuned such as turning off rear O2 sensors, removing the top speed limit, reducing Torque Management, etc., I'd definitely get the tune cuz I'd get so much more out of it. Did the shop mention any additional changes or is it $150-$200 just to activate the fan circuit?
If cost is the main factor, you could just get the basic adjustable fan controller kits ($15-$40) for the stock fans. Just be sure the relay and wiring is sufficient for the fan. Don't forget to add a relay to be triggered by the A/C to turn on the second fan.