Supporting Member
A co-worker of mine has been asking me for some time now to sell him my stock headunit from my tahoe (04) so he could use it in his 2000 silverado and I bought this on ebay http://jbrlsr.com/?aid=5336311247&bid=3484884&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Febaymotors%2F2003-CHEVY-SILVERADO-RADIO-DASH-CAGE-DOUBLE-DIN-04-05_W0QQitemZ170368174103QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCar_Audio_Video%3Fhash%3Ditem27aabc0817%26_trksid%3Dp3911.c0.m14
because I know that the 00's are not DD and I have been trying to explain it to him for months now but he wants the 6-disk changer.
So what I want to know is besides the fit will my radio work in a 00 silverado without any issues?
Thanks for any help
because I know that the 00's are not DD and I have been trying to explain it to him for months now but he wants the 6-disk changer.
So what I want to know is besides the fit will my radio work in a 00 silverado without any issues?
Thanks for any help