Well, if one sensor went out, the others may not be far behind. Are the pressures still reading properly on your DIC? Do they wildly fluctuate or go to dashes? This indicates a failing sensor.
Or a bad remote door lock receiver module.... it is the same module that receives the signal for the TPMS... mine works flawlessly at lower speeds but if you get on the interstate for any extended period of time the tire pressures will start showing dashes... it is never the same sensors and sometimes it will only be one, sometimes it will be multiple. Get off the interstate, shut the truck off and restart and they all read normal again.
I had this issue and thought it was the sensors battery going bad and so I had brand new sensors installed with my new tires and it still does it.
It was only afterwards that I discovered that the same receiver is used for the door locks and remote start, then it all clicked with me because I had been having issues with my remote start... it would start the truck no problem but when you tried to unlock the doors to get in it wouldn't do anything and I would have to unlock the door with the key which would set off the alarm and kill the engine.
The remotes work fine for locking/unlocking the doors it just freaks out when you remote start so I stopped using that option for now until I buy the module and install it and get it programmed at the dealer to communicate with the truck.
Hopefully that will kill 2 birds with the same stone... remote start/TPMS.
Sorry for the long rant, just wanted to explain it a little better.