I've used the following formula for years. Always get a good ride and good tire wear.
"Tire Pressure"
Here's a way to find a starting place for testing....
Your Truck has a GVWR rating. That's the weight of your fully loaded Truck.
Your tires have 2 federally mandated pieces of information on the sidewall, Max Pressure, and Max Load. (BTW the max Load is rated at Max Pressure). Please note that the Max Pressure is NOT the pressure you ever want to run a tire at, if you can avoid it. It's the Max Pressure you can put in a tire without it exploding.
Take the GVWR of your Truck and 7,000
divide it by 4 times the Max Load (2535) ÷ 10,140
of your tire (because you have 4 tires). .69
The answer should be a fraction and you don't need to fully resolve it yet. If the answer is greater than 1, then under no circumstances should you put those tires on your Truck.
Now multiply that fraction .69
by the Max Pressure from your tire's sidewall. x 44
The answer is the theoretical pressure 30 psi
you should run your new tires at.
From this starting point you should then test, by driving your Truck.
If your handling feels 'squirrelly', then increase the Pressure by 4 psi and test again.
If after a 10-15 mile Freeway run at about 65 - 70 mph your tires are warmer than hand hot (if it is uncomfortable to hold your hand on the sidewall for more than a brief touch) then increase the Pressure by 4 psi and test again.
If your ride feels like it's on rocks, you could decrease the Pressure by up to 4 psi. No more than 4 psi!