One word of caution, or a suggestion from me, regarding the handling of the insurance claim by the insurance companies.
Watch the accident case progression through the insurance companies very closely, to ensure that the final case settlement has the other driver 100% at fault, and your wife at 0% fault. My wife had a similar experience, and everything sounded OK at the scene of the scene of the accident and exchange of insurance information. Unfortunately, the other driver later stated to his insurance company that my wife actually caused the accident by hitting him (which was clearly not the case), and the two insurance companies finally settled by agreeing that BOTH drivers were at 50% fault each.
This was a win-win for both insurance companies, as each paid for only 1/2 of the total damage costs, and then both insurance companies got to raise the premiums for both drivers, as they were both at fault. Of course, it was a lose-lose for my wife.