Hello! So, for the past few months I've been getting internally PO'd over the effectiveness, or lack their of, of my windshield wipers. I'm not sure if it is the blade or the full mechanism, but its just not effectively "wiping". Whenever I use them, it just leaves a massive streak that stretches the length of the wiper and it stays there, blurring the windshield, for a solid 10 seconds. The blades aren't torn or anything, and there are no odd sounds. It just seems to smear more than wipe, to the point where I often don't use the wipers in the rain because it is easier to see when I'm NOT using them. Does anyone have any suggestions on blades to use, or anything that could help make them more effective?
Dare I say it, but I get in my brother's Mercedes when I go home and get jealous over the performance of his wipers. No streaks what so ever, nothing left over.
Thanks for the help!
Dare I say it, but I get in my brother's Mercedes when I go home and get jealous over the performance of his wipers. No streaks what so ever, nothing left over.
Thanks for the help!