What did you smooth it with? Thsts pretty impressive to get plastic to shine like that.Nice work!
It's definitely a process and of course it's all in the prep. Always. There are many painters and shops that will not do this. Mostly because it's tedious time consuming work and labor intensive to get this finish. All of the plastics on most of my trucks are done like this or something a little different (i.e. dual colors).
Start with 320 grit to get the most bite and to bring down the texture. then some sanding, priming, sanding, color, sanding some body filler on areas that need a little fill (like around the handle to open the glove box. Clear, polish, more color, final clear final polish etc. on the 2011 the dash faces are not textured so less work but still must prep. Great results though.
I remain on track to get most of these done by the end of this weekend, er tonight. There are few more that need some final work but the lion share of al of the parts are done.