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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Found this online I can pickup tomorrow. Looks like it has the o2 adapter. If this won’t work I’ll have to order off Amazon
      • IMG_5900.png
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Also I noticed earlier when revving it to the 1100-1600rpm range to check misfires. I was getting some popping sounds from the exhaust...
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      I’d have to go buy a gauge to test it. I can try and get one tomorrow
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Honestly no idea. It could have been replaced or could be oe. I have no records on it sadly
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      It was still running a little rough but was a little better but it was also idling at 675-715rpms at that time. Once it settled down to...
      • IMG_5895.jpeg
      • IMG_5896.jpeg
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Yeah I reset the o2s before but I didn’t reset when I unplugged them
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Yeah I unplugged 4 of them I believe. Might have been 3 but definitely 2 pre cat were unplugged
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Yeah I had 6 fault codes pop up for that
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      They were stuck at 0 until it warmed up a bit. Then they started bouncing around again
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Looks like I can only show loop status or hot open loop.
      • IMG_5898.jpeg
      • IMG_5897.jpeg
      • IMG_5899.jpeg
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Those are both at idle. But that’s what it’s jumping between value wise. I can probably get the values with closed loop and possibly rpm...
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      So it’s running the exact same with o2 sensors unplugged. This is the long term and short term trim values at idle with them unplugged
      • IMG_5890.jpeg
      • IMG_5889.jpeg
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      The other thing I did and forgot to list was I unplugged the maf sensor while running and it ran the same. No change in idle whatsoever.
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      I did also go through all the injectors in my scanner and they all open and close. Started running rougher when I closed them. I’ll try...
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      2009TahoeLT replied to the thread Chasing a rough idle?.
      Yeah it’s at 11.480. Intake leaks shouldn’t be any. I definitely have exhaust manifold leaks. No broken bolts though. Just very rusted...
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