Recent content by AmazinglySmooth

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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    My understanding is lifters. Camshaft inspection revealed no damage.
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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    I have an '18 5.3L, but I got the 6.2L with cat back exhaust in my '22 so there is no comparison.
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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    Got the truck back today. Runs great.
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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    Dash is fully digital (see video for full details).
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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    I purchased at the end of October 2021, so I assume an early build.
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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    The iPhone filtered out the vibration, but the number of alarms is crazy! Dash alarms due to lifter issue
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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    They are only replacing one side per approval from GM. Cam shaft inspection says it is ok. Not very pleased after dumping so much cash on this vehicle.
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    2022 Z71 Suburban 6.2L bent lifters

    Seems the bent lifter issue is still happening. My 2022 Z71 with 2300 miles got towed off to the dealer today since it lost power and had tons of errors/alarms. I just heard from the dealer that the lifters are bent. I waited specifically for a 2022 because of this issue, but it happened...
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    2022 Z71 rear cross-traffic alert not sensitive like 2018 Premier

    I have a 2022 Z71 and a 2018 Premier. The 2018 alerts us when cars are out of sight down the road, but my new 2022 barely notices until they are just before the rear camera can see them. Is this a "premier" vs. Z71 issue or just "progress" or vehicle to vehicle variation or just plain not...
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    rattling running boards 2022 Z71

    The running boards on the Z71 are attached in 4 places. The metal arms are covered by a plastic housing. On mine, at 50+ on a windy day or 70+ otherwise, at least one rattles. I found a short-term fix is to jam zip ties between the body and the plastic. Hope this helps someone. Stupid fix...
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    2nd row floor mats move too much

    Have less than 1k on my 2022 Z71. I notice the 2nd row floor mats are terrible at holding their position. Are there better mats that stay put?
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    Finding part number for shifter trim?

    I guess they don’t offer the part for 2018... I looked for it and it isn’t shown with steering anywhere. Not on Rockauto either.
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    Finding part number for shifter trim?

    How do I find the part number of the whole arm?
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    Finding part number for shifter trim?

    My shifter end cap with the tow/haul button is cracked. Can I replace it? What is the part number?
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    My title

    I've already stated that I will honor all my contractual obligations. So many have assumed something nefarious, but I want to protect myself. No credit union would want their customers to be unprotected from loss. The title exists for a reason--to prove ownership--so having it out seems...

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