Recent content by fatmonk8

  1. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Yeah, I feel like you didn't read the thread. I do not want to get rid of auto ride..
  2. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Curious, these say 07-14. Mine is a 15. Is there that much of a different?
  3. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Oh dang, that's awesome. I'll definitely give these a shot. Nothing to lose I guess
  4. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Won't that make the rear stiffer though?
  5. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Abso Absolutely!
  6. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Thanks! You have been a huge help!
  7. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Guess I need to figure out where they even are first. I've never had to mess with them before. Are they easy to reach?
  8. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Thank you! I appreciate the help.
  9. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Oh interesting, where would I find how to adjust the sensor rods?
  10. fatmonk8

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    Hey all, A while back I replaced my front struts with some Rancho ones. (They were a better deal at the time, and stated they leveled the front and the ride stiffness is adjustable). Well since installing then my truck has a bit of a rake. I am not sure if the rear is just sagging a little...
  11. fatmonk8

    2015 Tahoe/Grinding/rough noise from front of vehicle

    Yeah, hopefully not. I went through New springs, control arms, links, u-joints, took the whole steering rack and diff out, wheel bearing. Just everything. Noise went away for a little, but then it came back and my transmission started slipping. Checked the fluid and saw metal. Got it diagnosed...
  12. fatmonk8

    2015 Tahoe/Grinding/rough noise from front of vehicle

    I replaced so much I'm not really sure what it was. I practically did the whole front suspension+ some of the drivetrain. Not sure if it was connected, but my transmission did end up going and had to be replaced.
  13. fatmonk8

    What is this part on the cat/downpipe

    Yeah, I mean if the cats are worth some money, id rather not give it to the local scrappers. It be nice to recoup a little of my cost.
  14. fatmonk8

    What is this part on the cat/downpipe

    Anyone know where I can scrap these cats? I don't want to throw them out. Would a scrap yard take them? Or is there a place that takes cats?

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