This happens all the time with service dogs, like your supposed to educate people who are ignorant to what they do and what they are for. Many seem to think they are only seeing eye dogs so how can you be without your seeing eye dog?? Just ignorance and opinionated idiots. Yes its truly a service dog that is trained. Yes you love him and dont need to torture him with poor environments when not truly needed for a little bit. Some of the animosity comes from scammers with emotional support animals brought onto planes torturing people for no good reason. Emotional support dogs are usually a scam and I agree. Service dogs are heroes and well trained.
My brother in-laws service dog detects his low sugar. If he is with his wife (my sister) they dont always bring the dog into a crazy, loud, crowded restaurant just because they can. My sister is checking and with him. BTW people hate seeing a dog in a restaurant, so many with service dogs when not needed 100% leave them in the car running just like K9 officers do.
There are alarms if car shuts off available, temp sensors ect. Personally my car and dog are never out of my sightline when we run in for a quick bite. My dog and truck are never out of my sightline as i am too concerned with theft of my truck and dog.
But when I get gas at a rest stop and run in to urinate....I dont feel compelled to have my beautiful dog lay or sit on a piss floor...its just unnecessary for my condition.
Its a big hassle with ignorant idiots at many places with the I am scared of dogs, that dog shouldnt be in here, its unsanitary, I am allergic to dogs, Im calling the Police I dont believe thats a service dog!!!! So there are many reasons if you can to leave your dog for a short bit. Even 100% legit and legal with federal laws ADA, it can be a hassle....and it shouldnt be. Its a federal law.
But I will agree much is from the "emotional" support scam dogs, barking, lunging, and untrained that people think of............
Back to the how do you bypass the shutoff regardless of the reason??.....