for me pulling it apart and not finding anything mechanical wrong would be a last resort. but yeah, a afm delete would at least make it worth while.
when I said check for power, I'd use back probe pins, at the individual connectors on the coils. these are lole 5$ on Amazon and hope there's a lower voltage on #5. you can follow the wires thru the seal and to the pin inside without damaging anything.
you probably don't have it handy, but I'd pull out my pocket scope next and check the trigger wire at the coil from the ecm. but these days mechanical work is the last thing I like to do. if your multi meter does hz. it might tell you something, but not sure.
byond that I'm out of ideas.. back to basics. have you looked at the fuel trims and miss fire counts? when it's missing on a gm the miss fire number will constantly count up while it's missing. that and something as simple as a loose spark plug will miss.