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  1. D

    Front Dash Crack

    2007 Tahoe LT purchased 12/9/2006. Dash Cracked at 68,100 miles Nov.25th 2010. Was very cold morning going to see family for Turkey day. I contacted Kristie at 866-790-5600 ext: 11330 I filed a complaint with her on 11/26/10 at 11am.(71-893-522-299) I had my new dash installed on...
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    Front Dash Crack

    I had mine replaced Dec. 29th and it cost me $200.
  3. D

    Front Dash Crack

    I had to pay $200 to get mine replaced. Still pissed off at GM for not taking this issue serious and putting out a recall. I am done with GM after 20 yrs of loyalty.
  4. D

    Cracked Dashboard

    Same issue here, keep at them, I will start my fight with them next week. Join the faceBook page someone started...
  5. D

    Front Dash Crack

    Same issue here on my 2007 LT. I just noticed it today, this was the coldest day since last winter here in Kansas. After we went out to shop some and the inside temp went up with some sun light on the dash the crack formed back in place. At first it was offset with a raised mismatch. I take...