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  1. T

    99 Tahoe Trnsfer Case Problem

    Yeah it was exactly 180. Sorry never seen they was 2 pages here. I am a newbie. Still trying to find out how to put a pic on here
  2. T

    99 Tahoe Trnsfer Case Problem

    Ok the dealer told me my tccm is out and my encoder motor was bad. I changed the whole shift motor, took me 8 hours to do a 2 hour job cuz of my broken back. Long story short everything works fine now. No more dash light and shifts in and out of all 4wd gears better than it ever has. Thanks for...
  3. T

    99 Tahoe Trnsfer Case Problem

    B2725 and C3027 now its stuck in 4hi after i got it back from them
  4. T

    99 Tahoe Trnsfer Case Problem

    Ok the dealership said it was my encoder sensor and the tccm and wants $1750 to fix it. Sounds like a rip off to me
  5. T

    99 Tahoe Trnsfer Case Problem

    I have an appointment Wednesday to have it scanned.
  6. T

    99 Tahoe Trnsfer Case Problem

    Well at first i was told it was my transfer case itself so i changed that then after i put a rebuilt one in my service 4 wd light is on now. I have the np8 tcase. The damn thing is switching in and out of 4wd on its own. Here's what I've done so far. Changed the tcase, the 4wd actuator, and the...
  7. T

    99 Tahoe Trnsfer Case Problem

    Hello I have a 99 Tahoe that has been clunking and almost feels like its trying to lock up. I was told by a shop my transfer case was bad. I changed it and still have the same problem and now my service 4 WD light is on. HELP

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