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  1. JesusArTorres

    What to upgrade at 160K?

    What about for the maintenance of the 4x4? What would I need to check and replace? Last winter was the first time I used the 4x4. It sounded really loud and like it was struggling. I understand why it would sound a little louder, since more parts are moving. Is this normal?
  2. JesusArTorres

    When do the fog lights come on?

    My 03 Yukon doesn't have fog lights. If I did, when would they come on? I crawled under the truck today to check other things and noticed this: Is this where the fogs would plug in? I do eventually plan on getting some. This is my light switch btw: Also, I saw this. Anyone...
  3. JesusArTorres

    Felix's White on Tan Denali

    I did demolded mine by hand. Don't do it. Save yourself. Buy the wheel.
  4. JesusArTorres

    02 sub v 03 sub location

    Would a 12" or 10" fit under the console stock location? I know it's a smaller sub, but could it fit?
  5. JesusArTorres

    --- Photos: SPOTTER'S THREAD (post up all years/models) ---

    OBS from the movie Non Stop.
  6. JesusArTorres

    02 sub v 03 sub location

    6.5" wtf. I don't even want to bother to look up aftermarket ones in that size... By stock location you mean under the dash right, I'm assuming you had custom boxes made for each of those setups?
  7. JesusArTorres

    Gutted my Yukon.

    The one in the stock location. I guess I should've made sure he knew which one I was asking about... Lol
  8. JesusArTorres

    02 sub v 03 sub location

    This is what I have: They're 12" (I think, maybe 10") Polk Audio. I don't want this. I want this: "Why the FUCK would you want to downgrade to a single 8"?" To use the 3rd row. One time too many have I had to take this thing out to use the 3rd row. My truck doesn't have it bc 03+ have the...
  9. JesusArTorres

    Stock 8" sub vs Aftermarket Setup

    Exactly where is it? Thank you. I tried searching this but had no luck.
  10. JesusArTorres

    Gutted my Yukon.

    Where did you get it?
  11. JesusArTorres

    Gutted my Yukon.

    Is that sub box custom made or is it aftermarket? And what size is that sub?
  12. JesusArTorres

    WTB: NBS Drivers tail light

    03 Yukon
  13. JesusArTorres

    2003 Yukon

    Today I smoked the 3rd brake light, replaced a door stop, and cleaned the interior a little. Painting the brake light: I like the way it came out. This will keep me satisfied while I wait to get the Esky glass and brake light. The new (from a junkyard) parts I got: door stop and rear...
  14. JesusArTorres

    What upper control arms to buy???

    Since I haven't lowered mine I should stick to standards then. Thank you!
  15. JesusArTorres

    What upper control arms to buy???

    I meant what do the offset bushings do as opposed to standard. Sorry if this is obvious, me don't no this...
  16. JesusArTorres

    What upper control arms to buy???

    What's e difference between the offset bushing and the standard? I've been looking into getting some.
  17. JesusArTorres

    What to upgrade at 160K?

    Yeah, I'll stick to replace stuff first before the mods. My main concern is the suspension. Then the engine.
  18. JesusArTorres

    all on dome??

    Thanks, I'll do that to make sure.
  19. JesusArTorres

    Headlights for 2000 Yukon XL

    Smoke them, since that's your theme.
  20. JesusArTorres

    No daytime lights on 03 Yukon?

    I replaced the bulbs with those from the tails since I got new LED tails, and they work now! Recycling parts FTW!
  21. JesusArTorres

    all on dome??

    Thank you.
  22. JesusArTorres

    all on dome??

    Pardon my nagging... So, assuming the indicated sides are positive, this is how I would set it up, right? I want the current from the bulb that lights up to travel to the bulb that I WANT to light up. So arrows pointing towards the map/reading lights?
  23. JesusArTorres

    all on dome??

    Sorry, I don't know anything about this... What kind of diode should work? 10 or 3 amp, 1000V? I see a lot on Ebay. And to find the "hot side," do I turn them on for a couple seconds, then turn them off and see which side is hot? Gracias!
  24. JesusArTorres

    What part # is this?

    Went to a junkyard instead. $10.

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