Thanks for all your help and that link about flow helped me understand better. I did successfully complete my transmission flush. So thanks again. I appreciate you
I really appreciate you taking time to help me. I'm a very capable woman but by no means do I have a vast knowledge of cars. I have replaced my alternator by myself and I do like diy when it is appropriate so thank you for your patience. OK let me see if I got it. Since I'm introducing new...
I am and that's why I'm so confused because they all take off the top one on the radiator and had fluid come out but when I did that and turned the car on.... nothing no fluid came through the hose
I don't know if I replied the right way. Hopefully you got it. Maybe you can help me with this too. If the bottom line off the transmission leads to the bottom line off the rad and the upper line off the transmission leads to the right side of this thing ( I attached pics.) Then what is the line...
So you're saying disconnect both these lines? I did disconnect the one on top and not a drop of fluid came out. Then I disconnected the one on the bottom and fluid came out of it. But I didn't turn the car on because I didn't want to do anything that would hurt my transmission. I wanted to...
I want to do a tranny flush can anyone tell me which line is the one that I need to disconnect to feed the hose that leads to the bucket. I follow the lines from my transmission I have included pictures
I did find a step by step w pics on here but it was for a Silverado. I'm not extremely knowledgeable about cars and I just wasn't sure if that process was going to be universal amongst all chevys. Thanks for responding
Can anyone give me detailed how to on flushing my transmission fluid. It's an 2003 tahoe. I recently changed my fluid but it's still brown in color. I assume it's because it's mixing with the older fluid left in the system
Thank you for that video I have watched that video among other videos a zillion times I just do not understand what I'm doing wrong. Just when I think I got it it just slips out of reverse. Or it will act like it's in reverse the reverse lights will go on in the back but it won't engage the...
My husband change the transmission oil and he moved the shifter to get the pan out there was no C clip holding the shifter in the bracket and he couldn't get it to go in gear so we just thought something wrong with shifter cable so we bought a new one. It's routed the same way that I took it out...
It will go in reverse and than a second later it seems to just fall out of the gear and won't move. I can get it P,N,D,3,2,1 it just won't stay in reverse.
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